Faysal Hassan

Name: Faysal Hassan

Company: N/A

Job Title: Photographer

Faysal Hassan, Photographer.


Question 1: Who would you say is someone pivotal to your journey so far?

God. My family, I owe everything to them. // Haris Nukem


Question 2: Who would be your ideal mentor, and why?

I often think had I trusted my intuition earlier on in life, where I would be now? Additionally, Kanye West – He did so much for my self esteem growing up, without every meeting him.. yet.


Question 3: What advice would you give the next Trailblazer looking to break into your field?

Never lose your faith. Be yourself wholeheartedly. Trust your timing. Find empowerment within moments of vulnerability, something magical can be birthed in darkness.


Question 4: Who would you like to spotlight as your Trailblazer?

Gabriel Moses, Clint – Corteiz.